Roadblock (T. Land©2020)
verse 1
I traveled East I traveled West
always on the move
but when I dream that I’m ahead
another stop another road block
verse 2
I tried to stake my claim on hope
for fortune and fame
Only to find, the game is rigged
another stop another road block
The wait and the toll
The searching for gold
The begging the gods
The beating the odds
an endless con with another stop, another road block
verse 3
Take me now before I leave
on a homeless caravan
Grinding gears far away
another stop another road block
The wait and the toll
The searching for gold
The begging the gods
The beating the odds
an endless con another stop, another road block
You are the quiet I require
keep me comin’ miles and miles
when I come back and show up late
swear you are the cure
it’ll feel real, but you know the truth
It’s another stop another road block
everywhere I go
another stop another road block
Toni Land
Stagework Music
541 254 0719